Daily Archives: December 31, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Best wishes to all our patients for a safe and happy New Year. Just a reminder that we are closed only for the stat holidays and will reopen on Tuesday 5th January.

Our regular patients will know by now that Dr. Louisa Barter is back from maternity leave and that Dr. Rachel Shouler, who provided cover during Louisa’s leave, has decided to stay on at the Tarawera Medical Centre. Rachel had been doing various locum jobs and has really enjoyed being part of our stable, supportive and collaborative team and she brings skills and experience that complement the other doctors well. She has proven very popular and already has a loyal following of appreciative patients. Like Louisa she is very experienced and it is nice to offer our patients the option of an experienced, well qualified lady doctor every day of the week. When you make a doctor’s appointment you can be assured that you will always be seen by a doctor and not expected to discuss your personal issues with a health care assistant with limited training. Our fully qualified nurses are also available for nurse appointments and will refer you on to a doctor if that is what is needed to properly manage your health issues.

Another reminder to stay sun smart in the summer. We have had a real spate of melanomas referred in from around the EBOP in the past few weeks and prevention is better than cure. If you notice any new or changing moles please get them checked as even melanoma if picked up early can be managed safely but if left too long can be devastating.