Monthly Archives: July 2014

Health TV / Sexual Health visits / Free Smear tests

This week saw the reinstallation of Health TV to our waiting area. Our patients will remember it was available a few years ago when the PHA installed a time limited trial service shortly after the launch of Health TV. This proved popular with health education, promotion and news items available to patients while they waited, so we decided to reinstall it. Great patient feedback this week with the new carpets down and Health TV running.

Also a reminder that, as with all practices in the Eastern Bay, sexual health/contraception visits are free for enrolled patients aged 16-25 and this includes Jadelle implants, which both our lady doctors, Dr. Louisa Barter and Dr. Byrdie Johnston are trained to fit. In addition Tarawera Medical Centre, as a practice,  subsidises smear tests for all our enrolled ladies so that these are available free of charge too, regardless of age. Our nurses are trained to do smear testing so there are plenty of options for our patients to access this important preventive service without any financial barrier.

New carpets in at last!

After a couple of frustrating months with delays due to manufacturing errors in the initial batch, our carpets which were due in May are finally in. Thanks to everyone who tidied up to get things ready and especially to everyone who stayed on late on Friday to get the rooms clear and ready for Saturday and then came back in and put in a solid few hours on Sunday afternoon and evening to get things ready and tested before tomorrow morning. Special thanks to Keith and his son, Mathew, who came in to wrestle with the spaghetti that runs from our server, and to Paul who gave up 6 hours of his last day of holiday to help.

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Cornerstone Quality Accreditation

Our latest Cornerstone certificate arrived last week which was nice after all the work put in to complete our reaccreditation cycle. Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners is the basic qualification required for a doctor to practice without requiring oversight. Beyond that are numerous post-graduate diplomas, masters degrees and even doctorates in General Practice that reflect higher level study and skills. None of these qualifications reflect the quality of the practice that the doctor works in which what Cornerstone addresses by externally assessing to ensure policies and procedures are in place to ensure a qualified doctor is practicing in a quality environment.

This link to the list of accredited practices currently shows that Tarawera Medical Centre and two Opotiki practices are the only in the Eastern Bay of Plenty that have currently successfully completed this comprehensive quality assessment. Well done to all our staff who again put in all the hard work to achieve this.

Some of the Tarawera team when our Cornerstone certificate arrived

Some of the Tarawera team when our Cornerstone certificate arrived