Health TV / Sexual Health visits / Free Smear tests

This week saw the reinstallation of Health TV to our waiting area. Our patients will remember it was available a few years ago when the PHA installed a time limited trial service shortly after the launch of Health TV. This proved popular with health education, promotion and news items available to patients while they waited, so we decided to reinstall it. Great patient feedback this week with the new carpets down and Health TV running.

Also a reminder that, as with all practices in the Eastern Bay, sexual health/contraception visits are free for enrolled patients aged 16-25 and this includes Jadelle implants, which both our lady doctors, Dr. Louisa Barter and Dr. Byrdie Johnston are trained to fit. In addition Tarawera Medical Centre, as a practice,  subsidises smear tests for all our enrolled ladies so that these are available free of charge too, regardless of age. Our nurses are trained to do smear testing so there are plenty of options for our patients to access this important preventive service without any financial barrier.