Health promotion

Free visits for all under 18 / More awards for Tarawera Medical Centre

Under the school-based system all students at Tarawera High have had free access to services at Tarawera Medical Centre on referral from the nurse, Jo Knott, for years. As part of our 25 year celebrations we are extending this to all under 18 year olds. There is still an advantage to accessing the service via the school system as this can remove the barrier of prescription costs.

Other news this week is that TMC received 2 awards for the excellent work our nurses have done in immunisation. We achieved the highest rates of immunisation for 8 month olds and the greatest improvement in immunisation of 2 year olds. To achieve this despite the work that had to go into preparing for our Cornerstone assessment is a real credit to their dedication. Yesterday Dr. Aidan Williams, Jackie Morris and Sarah Morris attended the EBPHA Awards Evening and were presented with certificates in recognition of these achievements.

Immunisation is a crucial intervention to prevent illness and improve the health of individuals and communities. Over the past 25 years we have seen dramatic reductions of illnesses such as Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Haemophilus infections. Recent campaigns for HPV immunisation should have benefits that will continue for years with reduced risk of cervical cancer. This year a vaccine was added for Rotavirus which should see a reduction in cases of severe gastroenteritis. The recent outbreaks of measles internationally and in certain areas of New Zealand are a timely reminder of the importance of immunisation. Seeing a child suffering with a preventable illness that can have permanent consequences is very frustrating and upsetting.

For more information on the immunisation schedule see the Immunisation Advisory Centre website 

Margaret, Shannin and Jackie with the certificates recognising their great work.

Margaret, Shannin and Jackie with the certificates recognising their great work.

Free Hepatitis Foundation Clinics to be run at Tarawera Medical Centre.

Tarawera Medical Centre and the Hepatitis Foundation will be running a free clinic through August and September for patients with Hepatitis B or C.

Around 100 people have been identified as potentially benefitting from attending Tarawera Medical Centre for a 20 minute appointment to meet a Hepatitis Foundation nurse, have a simple and painless ultrasound performed on the day and bloods taken if recomended.

This innovative programme is being run through the Hepatitis Foundation, who many people will know through their work with Hepatitis B in the area.

The scan is being performed in order to identify patients who may have lived with Hepatitis for many years and to identify any of the problems that can develop with chronic Hepatitis.

The Hepatitis Foundation are to write to you to invite you to the special session, please do reply to and we encourage your attendance at this important health intervention. We encourage you to talk to your GP /Nurse if you have any questions.

Running the clinic in Kawerau and keeping it local is all aimed at making it more convenient for you to attend and receive this innovative service.

See this video link promoting  World Hepatitis Day this past week


Health TV / Sexual Health visits / Free Smear tests

This week saw the reinstallation of Health TV to our waiting area. Our patients will remember it was available a few years ago when the PHA installed a time limited trial service shortly after the launch of Health TV. This proved popular with health education, promotion and news items available to patients while they waited, so we decided to reinstall it. Great patient feedback this week with the new carpets down and Health TV running.

Also a reminder that, as with all practices in the Eastern Bay, sexual health/contraception visits are free for enrolled patients aged 16-25 and this includes Jadelle implants, which both our lady doctors, Dr. Louisa Barter and Dr. Byrdie Johnston are trained to fit. In addition Tarawera Medical Centre, as a practice,  subsidises smear tests for all our enrolled ladies so that these are available free of charge too, regardless of age. Our nurses are trained to do smear testing so there are plenty of options for our patients to access this important preventive service without any financial barrier.

Rotorua Marathon – Congratulations all Kawerau participants

Perfect day for the 50th Rotorua marathon on Saturday. Tarawera Medical Centre were well represented with Dr. Tony Whitehead completing his 5th Rotorua marathon, his wife, Angela completing her 2nd and both their children, Edin and Paul completing their first. Dr. Lousia Barter’s husband, Richard completed his 2nd lap of the lake. Plenty of Kawerau representatives on the day as usual. Fabulous event with the legendary Rotorua support all around the lake. Great celebration of the multicultural nature of the BOP with awesome haka seeing the entrants off down the start chute, bagpipes up the hill from Ngongotaha village, the regular “Champagne Party” with Chariots of Fire theme up the climb before Hamurana, Japanese drummers after cresting the last big hill at the back of the lake and then the Polynesian drums just before “hitting the wall” at the airport. Great reward for the effort put into training for the day.


Happy Easter

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter break. If you have to be on the road, take care with the weather we’re having. There was a good 30cm of water flooding in Onslow St at the promenade this evening after surgery finished!

We seem to have seen the start of the winter colds this week with plenty of sore throats and sniffles. The drop-in clinics we have been running for over a month are working really well for those who wake up feeling unwell in the morning being seen without having to phone in for an appointment. We have had a lot of people in for the ‘flu vaccination and it is a good idea to get this done well before the winter season to make sure that you have as much as protection as possible. We have so far been spared the early start to the ‘flu season that has had people in ICU in the Hawke’s Bay and Auckland.

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