Health promotion
Blue September – Give the finger to prostate cancer

Sarah Morris (receptionist and resident artist), showing nurse Shannin Howe the colourful Blue September display she created in the waiting room.
Blue September promotes screening for prostate cancer and could be considered a man’s equivalent of a smear test for women. Early detection can can prevent a life threatening cancer. Men over 40 are advised to have their initial test and over 50 an annual blood test and examination and we encourage all our male patients to come in to discuss this and any other health concerns. Appointments can be made with any of our male or female doctors and at Tarawera Medical Centre you do not need to discuss your personal issues with a health care assistant before seeing a doctor. See these links for more information on Blue September and Prostate Cancer.
Tarawera Medical Centre hosting students
Tarawera Medical Centre has a long history of supporting Medical and Nursing students and junior doctors who join us for clinical attachments as part of their studies. We are currently hosting Gina Donk, a 4th year medical student studying at Auckland University, and Shareen Hanif, a 3rd year nursing student from Wintec. Both are enjoying the patient contact and friendly team environment we have with broad exposure to a wide range of General Practice issues as well as the opportunity to see some advanced minor surgical procedures. We would like to thank our patients, who, as always, are also just as welcoming as our staff and happy to have the students sit in on their consultations and procedures.
Reminder about Influenza vaccines. The free vaccines have been extended to the end of August so time is running short if you want to get your free immunisation. Influenza cases have been increasing and it not too late to get some protection.
Influenza vaccines now available
Our first big batch of Influenza vaccines was delivered today and we have made a quick start to the 2015 immunisations with many being given today. We normally start with the vaccines in early March but this year delivery was delayed so that 2 additional strains could be added to the protection for the upcoming winter season.
If you would like to read some more about common misconceptions about the ‘Flu vaccine see this article from the Centres for Disease Control.
The best defence is to be vaccinated and this is available free of charge to:
- Anyone aged 65 or over
- Anyone under 65 with certain chronic conditions (e.g asthma, heart conditions, kidney disease, diabetes)
- Pregnant women
Please contact us or drop in if you would like to get your vaccination done in time to have protection before the winter.
If you become infected you have a responsibility to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others. If you are unwell, stay at home until you are better. Follow basic hygiene practices:
- Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds and dry them for 20 seconds – or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Don’t share drinks.
- Avoid crowded places.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze – then put the tissue in a lined bin.
Free Services at Tarawera Medical Centre
Those who aren’t new arrivals in town will know that we have always worked to provide an affordable service with many free and discounted services. Contraceptive visits have been free for 25 years, long before the PHA free Sexual Health visits for under 25 year-olds that are now available at all PHA practices. Other PHA initiatives such as smoking cessation visits, Diabetes Annual Reviews and Heart Health Assessments and Palliative Care visits are available at Tarawera Medical Centre, like all other EBPHA practices. We have also provided free smears to all our patients for many years. Over 10 years ago we brought Very Low Cost Access to Kawerau which saw visits for all adults drop from $30+ to $16 and have only slowly increased to $17.50 (this is a government capped fee). In addition, all children under 18 and all ACC visits are free. The one service that we offer to our patients, that no other practice in the Eastern Bay can offer to their enrolled patients is free skin cancer surgery for eligible cancers up to Advance Plus level. Patients enrolled in other practices need to travel to Tarawera Medical Centre to access this level of skin cancer surgery.
All these free services are available from 8 to 6 every weekday, with walk in clinics every morning from 8 to 12 and again on Friday afternoon from 4:30. Booked appointments are available every day as well. We don’t shut down over lunch and you are always seen by fully qualified nurses and doctors as we don’t employ health care assistants with limited clinical training. Having recently celebrated 25 years in town with our third surgery update and extension we are enjoying the continued loyalty and support of our long established and many newly enrolled patients.