Monthly Archives: March 2014

Welcome Dr. Aidan Williams (again)!

Despite the date, this is no April Fools joke!

Dr. Aidan Williams has joined Tarawera Medical Centre as partner. Aidan began in January 2013 as an assistant with a view to partnership and from day one has fitted perfectly in to our team with his dedicated and friendly manner, and has been very popular with patients. When the opportunity came up to join the team with an established track record of quality permanently, he took it without hesitation. The recent glowing Cornerstone review validated his decision and reinforced how much more there is to a quality medical practice than just a building to house it.

Tarawera Medical Centre remains 100% owned by the doctors who are free to advocate directly for their patients and are not constrained by demands of shareholders of a holding company wanting to maximise their profits.

Free smear tests

Just a reminder that smear tests are free to all our enrolled patients. As a practice we subsidise this service to ensure that there is no financial barrier to accessing this important preventive test. We took this decision when the Eastern Bay PHA reintroduced age limits for the free sexual health visits that we had worked so hard to achieve for the Kawerau PHO. All our nurses are qualified to do smear tests so please book an appointment if you are due for a smear test. Reminder letters and txt messages are sent out when you are due for your next smear so please take advantage of this opportunity.

Smear tests are advised for all women from 20 to 70 years of age to help diagnose cancer of the cervix at an early stage so that curative treatment is possible. If detected only when symptoms appear the risk of the disease being too advanced to cure is significantly increased. Having a regular smear test every three years significantly reduces the risk of developing invasive cancer (1 in 90 if not screened will develop cancer and only 1 in 570 if screened) and the risk of dying from cancer of the cervix (1 in 200 will die from cervical cancer if not screened and only 1 in 1280 would die if screened), so having regular screening reduces you risk to about one sixth of what it would be if you didn’t have a regular smear.

This link  from Healthed NZ  provides more information so that you can be better informed.

Influenza Vaccinations

The seasonal Influenza vaccines were delivered last week and we are hard at work trying to get these done before the winter season kicks in. Influenza is a virus infection that can quickly spread from person to person and is more common in the winter months. Symptoms include fever, chills, cough and muscle aches and is more severe than the common cold that people generally call the “‘flu”. As it is caused by a virus it cannot be treated with antibiotics so prevention is the best option.

The best defence is to be vaccinated and this is available free of charge to;

  • Anyone aged 65 or over
  • Anyone under 65 with certain chronic conditions (e.g asthma, heart conditions, kidney disease, diabetes)
  • Pregnant women

Please contact us or drop in if you would like to get your vaccination done in time to have protection before the winter.

This link from the Centres for Disease Control, and this one from Harvard Medical School can help you be more informed around the myths about influenza vaccination that do the rounds every year. These personalised reports from the Ministry of Health are also worth looking through.

If you become infected you have a responsibility to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others.

If you are unwell, stay at home until you are better.

Follow basic hygiene practices:

  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds and dry them for 20 seconds – or use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Don’t share drinks.
  • Avoid crowded places.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze – then put the tissue in a lined bin.

Cornerstone Quality Re-accreditation

Having been the first Eastern Bay practice to complete the RNZCGP Quality Accreditation process back in 2006, Tarawera Medical Centre have just completed their latest re-accreditation cycle with the assessor visiting the practice yesterday and giving us great feedback. Congratulations to all the staff who have put in so much work to make sure all the policies and procedures were all up to date as well as managing the huge clinical workloads we have been preparing over the past 5 months or so. The current internal building work has made it even more challenging but will be worth it when it is all complete and we have more room and workstations.

This year marks the 25 year anniversary of the Tarawera Medical Centre, the first Kawerau medical centre after the years of solo practioners had been shown to be an unsustainable model due to insufficient collegial support to enable comprehensive care from a single site. With a group of widely trained, qualified and experienced staff in one location the full range of health needs can be met.

We have more exciting news ahead. Stay tuned for details over the next few weeks