Health promotion

COVID-19 Update 29 May 2020 – Level 2 – CBACs Close

Portable cabin for safe assessment and swabbing of patients with respiratory symptoms

From next week we no longer have access to CBACs for assessment of respiratory infections outside of General Practice. With the current case definition all people with symptoms of sore throat, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or loss of smell still need to have a COVID swab done and this now needs to be done through your GP.

While we are now able to book more appointments to see patients in the surgery we still need to keep people with respiratory symptoms away from others to minimise the risk of spread. This means initial contact will need to still be by phone.

If you have symptoms please phone in by 10am and you will be placed on a triage list to be contacted by a doctor or nurse. Arrangements will then be made for you to have a swab done either at the laboratory or the surgery. This is by appointment only at an afternoon clinic and not necessarily on the same day. There is no self-referral option as there was with CBACs.

To enable safe swabbing of those patients that have to be seen by a GP we have hired a portable cabin so that infectious patients are seen without entering the main surgery building. This has been equipped so that we can provide assessments and swabbing in a safe environment with appropriate PPE.

Influenza-like illness symptoms 2020 in comparison to previous 2 years

New Zealand’s swift response to COVID-19 has achieved an enviable result. Today we again have had no new cases reported and only a single active case still in the country. A benefit of the lockdown has been a much lower incidence of winter cold and ‘flu infections as shown in the graph above. Now that social contact is increasing we can expect these infections to start rising and as a result an increasing demand for swabs. This is a real pinch point for us in General Practice as we are already stretched catching up with all the issues put on hold during the lockdown and now have to take on the role provided to date by CBACs which may escalate. Please be patient and understanding if we cannot see you as promptly as you may like with non-urgent issues.

With ongoing swabbing of symptomatic people, if swab results remain negative we should see a change in the case definition and a reduction in swabbing. If swabbing starts to reveal a resurgence of COVID-19 the CBACs with need to reopen. Maintaining social distancing, strict hand hygiene, cough etiquette and staying home when sick we will minimise the risk of all virus spread and increase the chances of the best outcome.

Breastscreen Caravan returns to Kawerau

photo of breast screen promotion display in the waiting room
Breastscreen display in the waiting room by Sarah

The mobile breast screening caravan is returning to Kawerau from 18 May to 12 June 2020. This will enable women to again access this important screening service without having to travel out of town.

To promote this, Sarah Morris, our artistic Health Care Assistant, installed one of her health promotion displays in the waiting room. This was prior to the COVID-19 lockdown and this post was due to be published at the end of March. The lockdown put many things on hold and it is good to see more normal screening services resuming.

For more information on the benefits of screening visit the TimeToScreen website.

Influenza Vaccine Update 5 May 2020

We have supplies of Influenza vaccine which in now available for everyone that would like to protect themselves from Influenza. If you would like a vaccine just come down to the surgery between 9am and 3pm and knock on the door.

Initially only those over 65 or those under 65 with chronic conditions who were eligible for funded vaccinations could be vaccinated. We can now offer vaccination to those who are not eligible for funded vaccines and wish to purchase a dose.

We have administered a record number of vaccines over the past weeks and this with the COVID-19 lockdown means that we have a very low incidence of influenza symptoms currently. If you would like to get a vaccination in anticipation of the lowering of alert levels and increased social contact please contact the surgery. If you are eligible for a funded vaccine it will be free. If not the cost is $30 for enrolled patients or $35 for visitors to the practice.

Influenza Vaccine Update 4 May 2020

We have supplies of Influenza vaccine which in now available for everyone that would like to protect themselves from Influenza.

Initially only those over 65 or those under 65 with chronic conditions who were eligible for funded vaccinations could be vaccinated. We can now offer vaccination to those who are not eligible for funded vaccines and wish to purchase a dose.

We have administered a record number of vaccines over the past weeks and this with the COVID-19 lockdown means that we have a very low incidence of influenza symptoms currently. If you would like to get a vaccination in anticipation of the lowering of alert levels and increased social contact please contact the surgery. If you are eligible for a funded vaccine it will be free. If not the cost is $30 for enrolled patients or $35 for visitors to the practice.

Influenza Vaccine Clinic Thursday 16 April 2:30pm

We will again be running an influenza vaccination clinic on Thursday 16 April at 2:30pm. This will again be at the PathLab side of the Medical Centre and will run until we run out of vaccines or patients. If you are over 65 or under 65 with a chronic medical condition please attend to get your funded vaccine done.

Please queue outside the fence and don’t block the ramp. Remember to space at least 2m apart, bring a sunhat/sunscreen/umbrella and wear sleeves that can be easily lifted to expose the upper arm so that we can administer the immunisation without delay.